This election poses a greater responsibility on women in general since it is the first time that a woman has been elected to this position in 49 years. It is also the first time that the incumbent is from the Southern Africa region. Our history has both the positive, bright and proud side and the dark and painful history. All evidence, genetic, paleontological and linguistic evidence indicate that modern humans existed only in Africa until about 100,000 years ago, when they migrated and populated the rest of the globe. There is no doubt therefore that Africa is the cradle of humanity and an advanced civilisation. We have had a very advanced architecture as evidenced by the Egyptian sphinxes and pyramids, Tunisian city of Carthage, Great Zimbabwe as well as the old city of Timbuktu in Mali to mention a few. The intricate sculptures of Makonde of Tanzania, the Benin Bronzes of Nigeria, the beautiful paintings of the Drakensburg, various artistic creations of the Egyptians demonstrate to us a continent with a great past. Africa is a continent that boasts of old highly organised kingdoms from the Ashanti to Monomotapa to that of Timbuktu. We also have rich astronomical heritage. The Dogon people of Mali have generational knowledge of the star Sirius A and B which appears only once in 50 years. Scientists and astronomers are only now discovering what the Dogon have known for generations. Africa also has a tradition of highly organised kingdoms - to name a few, Mesopotamia, the Ashanti, Monomotapa and so on. Our history also speaks of an Africa that valued the matriarchal family, where women were the economic backbone of the continent in which the values of peace, justice and social well-being was promoted. In many communities and kingdoms, women spearheaded development and led their countries with great vision. Read more: